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Learning Outcomes for a Freshman Spanish Class (Beginners Level).

1. Learning Outcome

  • By the end of this quarter on the verb “comer” (to eat), students will be able to conjugate the verb “comer” in the present tense by learning how the verb is conjugated for each subject and they will also be able to understand the importance of why we must know the correct conjugation of Spanish verbs and how they change from subject to subject in real life situations. The student will be assessed by completing 3 test items and 1 essay item.The first activity are matching items. Column A includes a list of Spanish subjects (yo, tú, él, ella, ellos, nosotros…) and column B includes a list of sentences using the word “comer” in the present tense. The student will be asked to match each subject of column A with its corresponding sentence in column B.The second activity are completion items. The student will be asked to  write the correct conjugation of the verb “comer” in the blank space with the present tense that corresponds with the subject of the sentence.

    The third activity are multiple choice items. The student will be asked to choose the option that includes the correct conjugation of the verb “comer”  for each question or scenario.

    The last activity is an essay item. Students will be asked to answer the following question:  When you conjugate verbs in Spanish, the verbs change in spelling and pronunciation from subject to subject.  Suppose you were walking in the streets  of Spain and you were the only witness to a serious event. Then reporters and other spectators  needed details of what occurred and you were the only one to provide these details, why do you think is important to know the correct conjugation of verbs in Spanish in these types of situations? Do you think there could be consequences for not knowing how to properly conjugate verbs in such circumstances? Write 1-2 pages explaining your reasoning.

Test Items

Matching Items: Match column A to column B.

Column A                                                                        Column B

  1. Yo                                                                        a. Comemos mucha fruta.
  2. Tú                                                                        b. Como muy pocas verduras.
  3. Él/Ella/Usted                                                        c. Comen muchas manzanas.
  4. Ellos/Ellas/ Ustedes                                             d. Comes muchos dulces.
  5. Nosotros                                                              e. Come mucha pasta.

Completion Items: Fill in the blank with the correct conjugation of the verb “comer” in the present tense.

  1. Yo ________ muchos postres cuando visito a mi abuela.
  2. Ellas _______ ensalada cuando quieren algo mas saludable.
  3. Tú _______ platos hechos en casa.
  4. Él ________ arroz con pollo para el almuerzo.
  5. Nosotros __________ comida italiana en ocasiones especiales.

Multiple Choice: Choose the right option to the following sentences.

  1. Ella__________ comida mexicana con su familia.
    1. como
    2. comes
    3. comemos
    4. come
  2. En los fines de semanas, nosotros ___________ en diferentes restoranes.
    1. come
    2. comemos
    3. comen
    4. como
  3. Yo _________ pastel de chocolate en mi cumpleaños.
    1. comes
    2. come
    3. como
    4. comemos


2. Learning Outcome

  • By the end of this quarter on “objetos de la cocina” (kitchen items), students will learn the Spanish word for items found in the kitchen by learning how to identify each item by their functions as well as the English translation of each. Students will also discover new ways that he or she can learn and remember the names of  everyday household items. The student will be assessed by completing 3 test items and 1 essay item.The first activity are matching items. Column A includes a list of kitchen items written in Spanish and column B includes a list of those kitchen items in English. The student will be asked to match each Spanish word with the correct translation in column B.The second activity are completion items. The student will be asked to write the correct Spanish word of the kitchen item that corresponds with the function of the item expressed on each sentence.

    The third activity are true or false items. The student will be asked to write a T for true and F for false for each sentence that expresses the function of a kitchen item.

    The last activity is an essay item. Students will be asked to answer the following question: You just moved to Argentina and you are just learning how to speak Spanish. Your roommates are fluent Spanish speakers and do not speak English. What can you do to learn the Spanish words for household items as well as learn how to explain the functions of each?

Test Items

Matching Items: Match column A with the right translation in column B.

Column A                                       Column B

  1. El refrigerador                            a. The tea kettle
  2. Los platos                                   b. The toaster
  3. Los cuchillos                               c. The knifes
  4. La estufa                                    d. The microwave
  5. El microondas                            e. The dishes
  6. La tostadora                               f. The refrigerator
  7. La tetera                                    g. The stove

Completion Items: Fill in the blank with the correct Spanish word for the following sentences.

  1. When you want to drink hot tea you can use __________ to boil the water and pour it easily into a cup.
  2. When you want to keep food frozen, you put them in  _____________.
  3. When you want to toast your bread, you put them in  _____________.
  4. When you want to dry dishes after you wash them you can use a_____________ and dry them by hand.
  5. When you want to cut meat or vegetables you can use a  ________________.

True or False: Write a T for true and F for false.

  1. _______. You use “el microondas” to cut food.
  2. _______. You can use “la cuchara” to eat your soup.
  3. _______. You can use “las ollas” to prepare food in.
  4. _______. You can wash your dishes in “la estufa”
  5. _______. You can keep your glass in “la vitrina.”


3. Learning Outcome

  • By the end of this quarter on “actividades de vacaciones de verano” (Summer vacation activities), students will learn the words of activities that are common to do during summer vacation by learning the correct translation of each activity in English and where or how these activities can take place . The student will also learn different methods that he or she can practice with friends in class or outside of school  that can help him/her learn the Spanish words of summer vacation activities in more ways than the methods provided by the teacher. The student will be assessed by completing 3 test items and 1 essay item.The first activity are matching items. Column A includes a list of Spanish words for typical summer vacation activities and Column B includes the translation of each of those summer vacation activities in English. The student will be asked to match each summer vacation activity in column B with the right translation in column B.The second activity are multiple choice items. The student will be asked to choose the correct option that includes a typical summer vacation activity for each question or scenario provided.

    The third activity are completion items. The student will be asked to fill in the blank with the correct Spanish words that translates to the English words provided in parenthesis to complete each sentence accordingly.

    The last activity is an essay item. The student will be asked to answer the following question: Think of the activities you perform in class and the methods you use to study at home that helps you learn a certain topic or subject, based on previous activities you performed in school or at home, can you think of your own activities that can be done in class or at home that can help you and others learn how to spell and pronounce the Spanish words for summer vacation activities correctly? Write one page describing these ideas and choose one of those ideas to demonstrate in class.

Test Items

Matching Items: Match Column B with the correct translation in column B.

Column A                                        Column B

  1. Acampar                                    a. Play sports
  2. Visitar a mi familia                    b. Camping
  3. Ir de compras                           c. Watch movies
  4. Jugar deportes                         d. Visit my family
  5. Ver películas                             e. Go shopping

Multiple Choice: Choose the right option for each question.

1. Which of these summer activities can be done inside the house?
a. El verano
b. El sol
c. Pasear por el bosque
d. Ir a la playa
e.Ver películas

2. What is the right translation to “I like to go to the beach during summer vacations”?
a. Me gusta ir a la playa durante las vacaciones de verano.
b. Me gusta comprar ropa durante las vacaciones de verano.
c. Me gusta visitar a mi familia durante las vacaciones de verano.
d. Me gusta cocinar durante las vacaciones de verano.
e. Me gusta trabajar durante las vacaciones de verano.

3. Which of these summer activities is usually done outside the house with friends?
a. Limpiar tu habitación
b. pintar el comedor
c. El sombrero
d. Jugar fútbol
e. La toalla

Completion Items: Fill in the blank with the correct Spanish word for the English words in parenthesis.

1. Me gusta ____________________________ ( play an instrument) durante las vacaciones de verano.
2. Me gusta ____________________________ (exercise) durante las vacaciones de verano.
3. Me gusta ____________________________ (visit my friends)durante las vacaciones de verano.
4. Me gusta ____________________________ (to write) durante las vacaciones de verano.
5. Me gusta ____________________________ (listen to music) durante las vacaciones de verano.

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